Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Protest The Hero: Rockstar friends of mine!

Protest The Hero is a progressive metal band from Whitby, Ontario Canada and happen to be one of my favorite bands. I first heard them when I was 18 years old and I was hooked. What really set them apart from all of the other metal bands I had heard at the time was not only their technichal musical abilities playing very fast and difficult music in strange time signatures but it was also their singer's voice because he actually SANG! A singer that can sing... amazing right? Well I say that because most of the metal bands that I listened to at the time just screamed and growled and maybe ocasionally sung during a chorus or something. Their lyrics in their songs were awesome and their songs rocked so when I had an opportunity to see them in concert I jumped on it and got tickets. When they came to town and played they didn't let me down! They were the opening act on tour with Silverstein, Devil Wears Prada, and A Day To Remember. Even though they were the opening act they outplayed and rocked harder than all of the other bands including the headliners Silverstein in my opinon.
At that time I only owned their first album "Kezia" and they were touring promoting their new album "Fortress." Right after they played I knew that I could catch them unloading their equipment so I made my way outside to the lift and there I found their guitarist Tim loading his amp into the van so I started talking to him. He was a really funny guy, had a great sense of humor, and sold me a t-shirt and a copy of their album "Fortress" personally! That was so cool to me because they were my number one favorite band at the time. I got to meet and hang out with the other members that night and it was definately one of my greatest memories. The next time they came to town a year later I got tickets to go see it again and I saw the guys in the band and they remembered me which I totally thought was cool. What was even cooler was that the girl who is now my girlfriend was there with me and I got to introduce her as well. That night was awesome and I had so much fun in the crowd crawling all over the jam-packed crowd and I hung out with the band some more after the show! I also got a vinyl copy of "Fortress" and got the guys to autograph it. Tim being a funny dude drew a goatee on the girl's face on the cover of their album. When I talked to Tim he told me that over the summer they were supposed to go into the studio and record a new album so be on the lookout for new stuff from them and make sure you check out "Kezia" and "Fortress" if you haven't already!


  1. I like this one. Very personal but informative. Although you should tell us some select songs you really love from the band that we should DEFINITELY hear.

  2. All of their songs are great, I'll definately take note of that and make sure to list songs in my next blogs. Thanks man!

  3. thank you for visiting my blog.i couldnt reply before,sorry.yes the language i writer mostly is Bangla.
