Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What I'm going to start doing soon!

Soon I will be writing reviews for up-and-coming artists on this blog and helping to get there name out there and will put a lot of hard work and effort into it! Be sure to keep an eye out for these blogs and support!
Thanks everyone!


  1. Nice blog you have here =)

    Make sure to start reading my new blog -


  2. Hey dude! Nice blog, can't wait to hear from ya do the interview! Hopefully we'll have tracks up soon! Laters!

  3. Thanks man, if you haven't already heard of the artists that I've mentioned so far, I'd recommend going and checking them out. I put a few amazon links up if you wanna grab a cd. I HIGHLY recommend the Eric Hansen cd! HE IS GREAT!

    Hope you get some tracks up soon so I can hear them!
